• Access to the river on our land, 5 minutes from the lodge
• Fly Fishing, Bait Casting and Spinning available
• Catch & Release Fishing

Among the best kept secrets for serious freshwater anglers is certainly the golden Dorado or Salminus Maxillosus of Argentina. This freshwater novelty has been likened to Tarpon, Tuna and even Wahoo and is a must on the travel itinerary of any serious fisherman. We fish for Dorado out of the Parana River system which is the largest river in Argentina and which borders our property, allowing guests access to the riverbank in just a few minutes. Fly cast, spinning and bait casting are effective methods of Dorado fishing. While the Parana proper is an enormous waterway home to a variety of large vessels navigating into the interior of the country, its reach goes far beyond what one sees bank to bank. It is in the vast system of streams, tributaries and lagoons whose reach may take one far from the visible river that we offer what many consider the finest Dorado fishing in Argentina. The diversity of the complex system on the fringe of the river is what makes our fishing program unique in offering an angler any number of fishing scenarios. Casting from the boat or a bank are all possible any given day.
Anything between a 6 and 9wt. saltwater rod can be used although we typically recommend using an 8 wt. with floating, intermediate and sink tip fly lines. To hook one of these beasts is an experience in and of itself which can hardly be adequately described by words. Acrobatic leaps accompany finger burning runs as the Dorado tries to escape its fate. Dorado fishing may be enjoyed by itself or else incorporated into either our mixed bag program or our high-volume hunting 'cast & blast' package.
Modern and efficient Carolina Skiff boats are utilized as they provide ideal platforms to cast from. The fishing lodge is strictly catch and release.
Our Dorado fishing takes place exclusively at Los Laureles Lodge in Entre Rios province.
The seasons in Argentina are opposite of those in the U.S. meaning that October through March are warm weather months when the fishing is best although our guests nevertheless enjoy good fishing year around.